Submission for Publication

Call For Paper
Abstract: Indicate the abstract paragraph with a heading or by reducing the font size. Your abstract should focus on what your research is about, what methods have been used, and what you found out.
Keywords : Keywords help readers find your article, so are vital for discoverability. If the journal instructions for authors don’t give a set number of keywords to provide, aim for five or six.
Word limit : 5000 words and not more than 10 pages.
Headings : This will show you the different levels of the heading section in your article:
- First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) should be in bold, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Second-level headings should be in bold italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Third-level headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Fourth-level headings should be in bold italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
- Fifth-level headings should be in italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
Tables and figures
Show clearly in your article text where the tables and figures should appear, for example, by writing [Table 1 near here].
Check the instructions for authors to see how you should supply tables and figures, whether at the end of the text or in separate files, and follow any guidance given on the submission system.
You can find more detailed advice on including tables in your article and in our guide to submission of electronic artwork.
Here’s also our advice on obtaining permission for third party material if you choose to use or reproduce work from another source.
It’s very important that you have been given permission to use any tables or figures you are reproducing from another source before you submit.
If you’re submitting a data availability statement for your article, include it within the text of your manuscript, before your ‘References’ section. Remember to give it the heading ‘Data availability statement’ so that readers can easily find it.
Each journal will have a preferred method for spelling and punctuation. You’ll find this in the instructions for authors, available on the journal’s homepage on Taylor and Francis Online. Make sure you apply the spelling and punctuation style consistently throughout your article.
If you are preparing your manuscript in Microsoft Word and your article contains special characters, accents, or diacritics, we recommend you follow these steps:
European accents (Greek, Hebrew, or Cyrillic letters, or phonetic symbols): choose Times New Roman font from the dropdown menu in the “Insert symbol” window and insert the character you require.
These aren’t required when submitting a manuscript for review. They will be added during the production process if your article is accepted for publication.